The greatest physist of all times Albert Einstein once said that any attempt to combine wisdom and power has rarely been successful and then only for a short while .People have always pegged the destiny of their societies and their welfare to the powerful clique in the सोसाइटी.
I cannot blame the people since to them power comes with wisdom but when I analyze the developmental agenda in my area – Migwani Division of Mwingi District power seems to come alone to the various leaders and professionals. The area seems to be suffering from developmental psycho spiritual rigor mortis (deadness) save for one lady – Mwende Mwinzi her recent activities under the umbrella organization “Twana Twitu” a local a NGO taking care of AIDS orphans in Migwani division have made me proud and proved true to the saying that once you educate a girl you educate the whole village.
Her gesture of bringing big stars from America to support her charity mission back in her rural village augurs well with the Corporate Social Responsibility of most companies of giving back to the society namely Safaricom foundation, EABL foundation, and many more.. hers is a case of reaching where political male chauvinists have failed miserably. In fact any concrete leadership today should not be thinking of the next general elections it should instead be thinking other next generation – the children as Wamalwa used to put it - that he saw the future of the world in the eyes the children.
I had a chance to witness Mwende Mwinzi and some of her American colleagues from the Marist organization build a house for an elderly couple taking care of young orphans back in august 2006 and I can bet this lady will go places perhaps a Nobel is beckoning.
Mwende you are the princess of Migwani I cheer you to go on and succeed where others have ignored as they say the pearl is produced in the endeavor of an oyster to adjust itself to the irritation of a grain of sand. Therefore I appeal to all friends of development to support the lady. Other Kenyans abroad should feel encouraged to engage in ways and means of kicking away AIDS (a convinient weapon of mass murder) from Africa as they say every professional is a debtor to his profession and professional responsibility is a repayment of that debt to the society beware that Afrika has got lots of resources for the needs of her citizens but not for the greed of a few people .
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